تقييم اعتبارات التصميم الإيکولوجي المستدام بالبيئة المبنية

Document Type : Original Article


Architectural Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering at Mataria, Helwan Univeristy


In view of the multiplicity of urban problems and issues as a result of some environmental variables and the loss of diversity and biological balance in urbanization, the need arose to provide a positive relationship between buildings and the surrounding natural environment, to reduce the negative impacts on the built environment to become livable and human-friendly, as the problem was the neglect of many urbanists and architects. the application of sustainable ecological design considerations in the built environment, which led to the emergence of sick buildings with a rate of 30% of the urbanization as a result of lack of ecological integration, which included the negative aspects that the built environment suffers from at the level of buildings and surrounding spaces, and the current urban and architectural patterns to achieve the principles and standards of sustainability therefore, the research aims to assess the extent of application of ecological considerations by proposing a methodology for evaluation according to scientific foundations and standards, to find innovative mechanisms and solutions for a sustainable ecological built environment that achieve compatibility between human needs and natural, environmental determinants, in order to provide a healthy built environment to face urban issues and future variables, and the research assumes that ecological design the sustainable generation as one of the modern trends of urban and architectural thought achieves the positive relationship between buildings and the natural environment, with the achievement of production, low cost, affordability, sustainability, integration with the environment solubility, and used the inductive approach with theoretical study, and the analytical, deductive and comparative method of analytical study, to study global experiences and evaluate The validity of the proposed methodology, and then monitoring and analyzing the results in the form of graphical comparisons, which proved the validity of the hypothesis and achieving the goal by evaluating the extent of application of the proposed methodology to achieve the ecological design considerations for the sustainability of the built environment.


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