دور النقل الحضرى المستدام فى حل مشکلة تلوث الهواء فى القاهرة الکبرى

Document Type : Original Article


Architectural Engineering department, Thebes higher institute for Engineering


The research aims to demonstrate how sustainable urban transportation can participate in protect the environment from air pollution in Great Cairo Region, accordingly the research follows two methods to achieve its goal, the first is to demonstrate the environmental problems caused by transportation in Great Cairo Region, their reasons and their negative environmental effects, while the second states the environmental considerations that have to be taken in consideration while planning of sustainable urban transportation, as long with showing the role of sustainable urban transportation in solving air pollution problem in Great Cairo Region.
From this point the research showed the reasons of transportation problems in Egypt, and the negative environmental effects of transportation in Great Cairo Region such as problems related to air pollution and problems related to traffic jam, moreover the research showed the environmental considerations of planning sustainable urban transportation in order to mitigate the negative environmental effects of transportation, also the research showed the required solutions for the environmental problems caused by transportation in Great Cairo Region such as solutions related to reduce air pollution, and solutions related to sustain urban transportation.
The research concluded that it is a must to go toward sustainable urban transportation in Great Cairo because it is the best solution to mitigate the negative environmental effects of transportation especially air pollution.


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