نحو تطبيق آلية الاستخدام المتعدد للأراضى في مصر

Document Type : Original Article


Architectural Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Fayoum University


New planning trends that adopt the idea of mixing land uses such as the compact city model and the new urbanism trend have arisen in because of continuous increase of population as a determinant of urban development, so new approaches have appeared in urban planning to solve the problem of land availability to meet this increase, such as the vertical city, the floating city and underground city, as is currently the case in Singapore. There are also voices calling for the use of a single plot of “multiple land uses” in order to achieve the greatest benefit from the plot of a limited, non-renewable resource, within the framework of the concept of mixed land use where no single type of land use dominates.
Therefore, the interest in the multiple use of land policy as a new proposal has become one of the important and urgent considerations, as the research aims to reach to determine the suitability of the multiple use of land for application in Egypt and to know what are the mechanisms of its application, which contributes to improving the performance of urbanization, and how to use it to develop lands, whether space or based on the use of (lands Public services - educational, cultural and youth ...) in the Egyptian cities, through the theoretical framework of the study to reach the advantages, disadvantages and requirements of the application of the multiple use of lands. The analytical framework was done by studying the previous experiences and finally by selecting the results through a questionnaire of opinions of specialized experts.


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