التخطيط البيئي للمناطق الصناعية في مصر

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Environmental Planning and Infrastructure – Faculty of Urban and Regional Planning- Cairo University


City planning is currently characterized by continuous industrial development as industry is considered one of the basic economic activities in cities, as it is the main engine of economic life and the development required for communities.
As a result of this development, many negative impacts emerged from this economic activity on various ecosystems (water, land and climate) in addition to the effects on human life and health.
These effects are clearly evident in the environmental pollution that occurs in its various forms, and in Egypt there are approximately 114 industrial zones in the various governorates of Egypt, and there are many of them overlapping with urbanization in an unplanned manner and resulting in environmental pollution such as pollution of the waters of the Nile River, canals and drains, in addition to the huge emissions in Air pollution that causes pollution and affects living organisms and human health.
With the importance of reducing these negative impacts and the emergence of many different
environmental approaches, it becomes evident the importance of taking steps towards  environmental planning for industrial areas (ecological industry) by proposing a framework that can reduce the negative effects resulting from the industry and maximize the use of the waste generated from it in Egypt.


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