Energy is the basis of development and a ruler element of economic growth, so securing energy supplies is one of the most pressing issues in the world, in order to protect its national security and secure the needs of future generations. The architect is responsible for designing facilities capable of meeting the needs of its users to provide thermal comfort to accomplish their various activities, Therefore He must take into consideration. A basic aspect to operate the building which is energy saving. The fossil energy on which most buildings operate depend is on its way to depletion and needs many years to be consists they are also polluting the environment, The building sector consumes a very large amount of total energy produced from the world's total energy, especially residential buildings. So that improving energy efficiency in residential buildings through energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy systems in design has become a crucial factor to reduce negative environmental impacts. The main objective of the research is the trend towards environmental conservation and sustainable development by meeting the increasing needs of energy by exploiting environmental resources to produce new clean and renewable energies such as solar and biomass systems that are suitable for new cities, and develop strategies to activate these systems at different levels of design with the application of the principles of sustainable environmental design and bioclimatic architecture where the energy efficiency and rationalization in the building depends on its compatibility with the surrounding climate, and natural ventilation methods which significantly affect the energy consumption of buildings. The research focuses on the new urban communities (the new city of Fayoum) and evaluating the energy efficiency of the existing residential buildings, in addition to test them with energy efficiency assessment programs and presenting models and proposals for environmental and sustainable design to become model cities that are environmentally friendly and energy efficient ,and also represent a design model that can be applied to the future extensions of the city and the rest of the new cities in Egypt which has similar climate.
Soliman, M., Al-Eisawy, M., & Ahmed, R. (2021). تحسين کفاءة إستهلاک الطاقة فى المبانى السکنية (دراسة حالة الإسکان الإجتماعى بمدينة الفيوم الجديدة). Fayoum University Journal of Engineering, 4(2), 104-120. doi: 10.21608/fuje.2021.205535
Mona Soliman; Mohammed Al-Eisawy; Rana Raafat Mahmoud Ahmed. "تحسين کفاءة إستهلاک الطاقة فى المبانى السکنية (دراسة حالة الإسکان الإجتماعى بمدينة الفيوم الجديدة)", Fayoum University Journal of Engineering, 4, 2, 2021, 104-120. doi: 10.21608/fuje.2021.205535
Soliman, M., Al-Eisawy, M., Ahmed, R. (2021). 'تحسين کفاءة إستهلاک الطاقة فى المبانى السکنية (دراسة حالة الإسکان الإجتماعى بمدينة الفيوم الجديدة)', Fayoum University Journal of Engineering, 4(2), pp. 104-120. doi: 10.21608/fuje.2021.205535
Soliman, M., Al-Eisawy, M., Ahmed, R. تحسين کفاءة إستهلاک الطاقة فى المبانى السکنية (دراسة حالة الإسکان الإجتماعى بمدينة الفيوم الجديدة). Fayoum University Journal of Engineering, 2021; 4(2): 104-120. doi: 10.21608/fuje.2021.205535