Sediment Transport Fields Around Off-Shore and On-Shore Structures

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Engineering Mathematics and Physics, Faculty of Engineering, Fayoum University.

2 Department of Engineering Mathematics and Physics, Faculty of Engineering, Fayoum University

3 Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Fayoum University


A two-dimensional numerical sediment transport model in the field of off-and on-shore was developed. Sediment defined as fractionated materials of rocks formed by various physical and/or chemical processes. The transport is caused by the effects of gravity and friction with the air or liquid containing that sediments. Hydrodynamical modeling simulates flow velocity which we can use it in the sediment transport model to simulate sediment concentration. This paper reports development of a two-dimensional depth-averaged advection-diffusion equation with source term to simulate the depth-averaged suspended sediment concentration to predict suspended and bed load transport and change of bed elevation. The source term represents the difference between the deposition of the bed surface and the entrainment of the suspended sediment. The fractional step method Sobey (1983), was used to separate this equation into the advection step and diffusion step. The advection step solved using a several finite difference schemes. Then used semi-implicit finite-difference to solve the diffusion step and transform it into linear system equations which solved numerically by a suitable numerical method.


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