Document Type : Review article


Architectural Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Fayoum University


The construction projects especially the megaprojects need durations for the implementation as be determined before from the planners and the management teams. Otherwise, The changes of events at the recent times such as international wars and covid 19 and the subsequent in all needs and different requirements. It became very clear on the all levels as the social levels, the economic and the culture levels. These changes play in shifting concept and style for all requirements. This duration not compatible with the international and local changes speed. This case makes the projects styles and its functions not suitable for the shifting in all directions as society, technology and thought changes. It is effect directly on the investor’s requirements at their projects. The main goal of the study is the integration between the value and agile to draw a new allying framework. It will be as a roadmap for megaprojects to be able to modify its paths according to any shifting. The study will present the value engineering methodology starting from the definitions then the value job plan based on the SAVE international organization. Then, it will present the philosophy concept for agile approach. The research will analyze the principles of agile management and its foundations. It appears with different weights according to the relation between each phase of value engineering to every principle of agile. Finally, it finalizes the research by drawing conclusions from all parts of study. It also offers recommendations for the current states and further researches concerning the same issue.


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