منهجية تقييم الإستدامة البيئية والمناخية للمباني العالية وتأثيرها علي التنمية العمرانية

Document Type : Review article


معهد اكتوبر العالي للهندسة و التكنولوجيا


The research shows the great role played by tall buildings to achieve sustainability in city centers, as they have be-come necessary to keep pace with development, accom-modate the increasing population density, revitalize urban centers, achieve standards and increase investment, in addition to keeping pace with the increase in land prices while providing open spaces for activities for the various activities of the population
This is considered a necessary requirement and an indis-pensable need, and it is also a creative work of art.
Therefore, tall buildings can be defined as tall buildings whose structural shape is shaped by design and the use of passive low-energy techniques linked to the climate of the site to produce a tall building that interacts with the environment in terms of its low use of energy in its opera-tion and its high performance efficiency.
Therefore, the main purpose of the sustainable approach to design includes understanding and introducing the en-vironmental, economic, social and urban aspects of tall buildings to contribute to highlighting the architectural and urban form.


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