The design efficiency of schoolyards on the thermal comfort in Egypt.

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of architecture , Faculty of engineering , Tanta university

2 Département of architecture, Faculty of engineering, Tanta university


Many studies have proven that outdoor education has an effective impact on the development of personal skills and learning outcomes of students, as the outdoor environment is directly related to the application of many cognitive, emotional, motor, and psychological areas. Schoolyards also affect students' health. The level of thermal comfort in the schoolyard is one of the most important indicators of students’ satisfaction with their environment, which represents an important issue in the educational process because of its impact on the behavior and achievement of students within the school. Although children are more sensitive to weather and thermal environments than adults, few studies are focusing on the influence of schoolyard design standards on the outdoor thermal environment and its impact on children's thermal comfort. Therefore, 6 schools with different characteristics were selected in the city of Tanta, Egypt, to analyze the thermal performance of their courtyards. The Envi-net simulation tool was used to calculate T-air, MRT, surface temperature, and PMV as measures of outdoor thermal comfort, to determine the effect of design standards on the thermal comfort of children in schoolyards. The study concluded that thermal satisfaction in school courtyards with a north-south longitudinal axis is 20% higher than in school courtyards with an east-west longitudinal axis. The research suggested strategies for architects to enhance thermal performance of schoolyards by considering orientation, geometry, finishing materials, and landscape.


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