Balancing Economics and Performance for Building Design

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Architectural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Pharos University in Alexandria, Egypt

2 Department of Architectural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Egypt


Design economics of buildings is significant for successful construction projects, involving analyzing costs and benefits of design choices to make informed decisions
within budget constraints. Factors influence design economics, include policy attributes, location, building shape, area, floor height, building height, openings, construction methods, finishing systems, materials, labor and running cost. The scope
of a construction project directly impacts its design economics, with larger projects
requiring more resources and specialized materials. Traditional construction methods may be readily available, but they can be time-consuming and labor-intensive.
However, innovative construction techniques can offer faster construction times,
reduce labor costs and improve quality control. The study emphasizes the issues of
project delays and increased costs, which could keep stakeholders from establishing new initiatives. The research aims to identify key factors influencing cost reduction in projects, including efficiency, life cycle, cost analysis, standardization, technology innovation, to optimize design economics and improve project performance
with lowest cost. It presents a methodology for dealing with these factors that evaluate factors that manage project cost reduction is essential during architectural design phases, aiming to improve project performance and achieve the lowest facility
cost with the highest performance. The housing design economics depend on the
state's policy, market conditions, economic and social conditions. Understanding
these factors is essential for architects, engineers and project managers to optimize
design decisions and ensure economic viability by standards which provide a
glimpse into the complex interplay of factors affecting design economics and highlights the importance of reaching the highest performance with lowest cost.


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